API Events


Public event sent to listeners in customer code.

Kind: global class

new PickyStoryEvent(name, [payload])

Event constructor, requires event name and an optional payload object

pickyStoryEvent.validate ⇒ boolean

Validate event and optionally filter the desired event type

Kind: instance property of PickyStoryEvent Returns: boolean - true if valid, false otherwise

pickyStoryEvent.extractPayload ⇒ Object

Helper method to accept only the desired event type and extract its payload

Kind: instance property of PickyStoryEvent Returns: Object - payload object or null if the event does not match the desired name


Public event type used as the typeArg value of CustomEvent

Kind: static property of PickyStoryEvent


Supported API event names

Kind: static property of PickyStoryEvent


Browser API has finished loading and is ready for use

Kind: global variable


Deal discounts have been applied to the current cart

Kind: global variable

Last updated